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Ratni zarobljenici

S Vikipedije, slobodne enciklopedije

Austrougarski ratni zarobljenici u Rusiji 1915.
Kineski zarobljenici zarobljeni od strane vojske Južne Koreje 1951.
Ratni zatvorenici iz Srbije u logoru u Nirnbergu tokom Drugog svetskog rata

Ratni zarobljenik je lice koga su neprijateljske snage zarobile tokom ili nakon oružanog konflikta. Jedna od osnovnih karakteristika boračkog statusa je da ukoliko borci padnu pod vlast neprijatelja oni dobijaju status ratnih zarobljenika.[a]

Pored boraca, Trećom Ženevskom konvencijom status ratnih zarobljenika u slučaju zarobljavanja priznat je civilima koji prate oružane snage iako neposredno ne ulaze u njihov sastav, kao i članovima posada trgovačke mornarice i civilnog vazduhoplovstva strana u sukobu ukoliko u konkretnom slučaju po međunarodnom pravu ne uživaju povoljniji tretman. Reč je o istom krugu lica kojima je priznat status ranjenika, bolesnika i brodolomnika.

Pored ovih lica status ratnih zarobljenika imaju i pripadnici oružanih snaga okupiranih zemalja ukoliko okupator odluči da pristupi njihovom imterniranju kao i sva lica kojima je priznat ovaj status koja su na svoju teritoriju primile neutralne i nezaraćene sile pod uslovom da im ne bude priznat povoljniji položaj.

Postoje i lica kojima, iako ulaze u sastav oružanih snaga jedne od zaraćenih strana, ni u slučaju zarobljavanja, neće biti priznat status ratnih zarobljenika. Reč je o plaćenicima i špijunima.

Pod plaćenicima se podrazumevaju pre svega lica koja u neprijateljstvima učestvuju prevashodno motivisana ličnom korišću, koja nisu državljani strane u sukobu i koja su uglavnom regrutovana u inostranstvu. Špijunima se smatraju pripadnici oružanih snaga strane u sukobu ukoliko su uhvaćeni u špijunaži i nalaze se u vlasti protivničke strane. Pri tome, na osnovu tradicionalnog koncepta pravi se razlika između lica koja su se bavila špijunažom u uniformi svojih oružanih snaga ili bez nje, tako da se uniformisani obaveštajci za razliku od ovih drugih, neće smatrati špijunima.

Svrha interniranja ratnih zarobljenika nije njihovo kažnjavanje, imajući u vidu da oni ne mogu da odgovaraju za učestvovanje u neprijateljstvima već sprečavanje njihovog daljeg učestvovanja u borbi. Saglasno toma odredbe koje se tiču njihovog položaja predstavljaju kompromis između interesa sile u čijoj se vlasti nalaze, interesa sile kojoj zarobljenici pripadaju i interesa samih ratnih zarobljenika.[1]

Pored opšteg nivoa zaštite koji je priznat i ostalim kategorijama zaštićenih lica a koja podrazumeva obavezu poštovanja fizičkog i psihičkog integriteta, ratni zarobljenici saglasno svom specifičnom statusu uživaju i dodatna prava. Tako na primer oni ne smeju biti prinudno ispitivani, niti se prema njima sme primeniti bilo koja metoda radi dobijanja informacija. Sila koja ih drži u zarobljeništvu mora obezbediti adekvatne uslove za njihov smeštaj, ishranu i odevanje, i ovi uslovi ne smeju biti nepovoljniji od uslova obezbeđenim sopstvenim jedinicama na tim mestima. U slučaju pokušaja bekstva, ratni zarobljenici mogu biti samo disciplinski kažnjeni dok im za krivična dela izvršena dok su pod ovim statusom mora biti obezbeđen pravičan i nepristrasan sudski postupak.

Drevena vremena[uredi | uredi izvor]

Gravura nubijskih zatvorenika, Abu Simbel, Egipat, 13. vek pne.

Tokom većeg dela ljudske istorije, zavisno od kulture pobednika, neprijateljski borci poražene strane u bici koji su se predali i postali ratni zarobljenici mogli su očekivati da će biti pogubljeni ili porobljeni.[2] Rani rimski gladijatori delom su biti ratni zarobljenici, kategorisani prema etničkim korenima kao Samniti, Tračani i Gali (Galli).[3] Homerova Ilijada opisuje grčke i trojanske vojnike koji nude izobilne nadoknade protivničkim snagama koje su ih pobedile na bojnom polju u zamenu za milost, mada njihove ponude nisu uvek prihvaćene; pogledajte na primer Likaona.[4][5][6]

Živi jezik[uredi | uredi izvor]

„Živi jezik” je termin koji se najčešće odnosi na zarobljenog protivničkog vojnika. Svrha je doći do najnovijih informacija o suparničkoj vojsci (raspored, brojnost, naoružanje, moral...). „Živi jezik“ se ređe koristi zbog velikog rizika hvatanja neprijateljskog vojnika na neprijateljskoj teritoriji i dovođenja istog na svoju teritoriju. Akciju sprovode obično pripadnici elitnih jedinica.

Napomene[uredi | uredi izvor]

  1. ^ Compare Harper, Douglas. „camouflage”. Online Etymology Dictionary. Pristupljeno 2017-10-28.  – "Captives taken in war have been called prisoners since mid-14c.; phrase prisoner of war dates from 1630s".

Reference[uredi | uredi izvor]

  1. ^ John Hickman (2002). „What is a Prisoner of War For”. Scientia Militaria. 36 (2). Pristupljeno 14. 9. 2015. 
  2. ^ Wickham, Jason (2014) The Enslavement of War Captives by the Romans up to 146 BC, University of Liverpool PhD Dissertation. „Archived copy” (PDF). Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 24. 5. 2015. g. Pristupljeno 2015-05-24.  Wickham 2014 notes that for Roman warfare the outcome of capture could lead to release, ransom, execution or enslavement.
  3. ^ "The Roman Gladiator", The University of Chicago – "Originally, captured soldiers had been made to fight with their own weapons and in their particular style of combat. It was from these conscripted prisoners of war that the gladiators acquired their exotic appearance, a distinction being made between the weapons imagined to be used by defeated enemies and those of their Roman conquerors. The Samnites (a tribe from Campania which the Romans had fought in the fourth and third centuries BC) were the prototype for Rome's professional gladiators, and it was their equipment that first was used and later adopted for the arena. [...] Two other gladiatorial categories also took their name from defeated tribes, the Galli (Gauls) and Thraeces (Thracians)."
  4. ^ Homer, The Iliad with an English Translation by A.T. Murray, Ph.D. in two volumes. Cambridge, MA., Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann, Ltd. 1924. Online version at the Perseus Digital Library.
  5. ^ Homer, Homeri Opera in five volumes. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 1920. Greek text available at the Perseus Digital Library.
  6. ^ Pseudo-Apollodorus, The Library with an English Translation by Sir James George Frazer, F.B.A., F.R.S. in 2 Volumes, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1921. Online version at the Perseus Digital Library. Greek text available from the same website.

Literatura[uredi | uredi izvor]

  • John Hickman, "What is a Prisoner of War For?" Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies. Vol. 36, No. 2. 2008. pp. 19–35.
  • Full text of Third Geneva Convention, 1949 revision
  • „Prisoner of War”. Encyclopædia Britannica (CD izd.). 2002. 
  • Gendercide site
  • "Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses in the Twentieth Century", Greenhill Books, London, 1997, G. F. Krivosheev, editor.
  • "Keine Kameraden. Die Wehrmacht und die sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen 1941–1945", Dietz, Bonn 1997, ISBN 3-8012-5023-7
  • Bligh, Alexander. 2015. "The 1973 War and the Formation of Israeli POW Policy – A Watershed Line? ". In Udi Lebel and Eyal Lewin (eds.), The 1973 Yom Kippur War and the Reshaping of Israeli Civil–Military Relations. Washington, DC: Lexington Books (2015), 121–146.
  • Bligh, Alexander. 2014. "The development of Israel's POW policy: The 1967 War as a test case", Paper presented at the Seventh Annual ASMEA Conference: Searching for Balance in the Middle East and Africa (Washington, D.C., 31 October 2014).
  • The stories of several American fighter pilots, shot down over North Vietnam are the focus of American Film Foundation's 1999 documentary Return with Honor, presented by Tom Hanks.
  • Lewis H. Carlson, WE WERE EACH OTHER'S PRISONERS: An Oral History of World War II American and German Prisoners of War, 1st Edition.; 1997, BasicBooks (HarperCollins, Inc). ISBN 0-465-09120-2.
  • Peter Dennis, Jeffrey Grey, Ewan Morris, Robin Prior with Jean Bou : The Oxford Companion to Australian Military History 2nd edition (Melbourne: Oxford University Press Australia & New Zealand, 2008) OCLC 489040963.
  • H.S. Gullett, Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–18, Vol. VII The Australian Imperial Force in Sinai and Palestine 10th edition (Sydney: Angus & Robinson, 1941) OCLC 220900153.
  • Alfred James Passfield, The Escape Artist: An WW2 Australian prisoner's chronicle of life in German POW camps and his eight escape attempts, 1984 Artlook Books Western Australia. ISBN 0-86445-047-8.
  • Rivett, Rohan D. (1946). Behind Bamboo. Sydney: Angus & Robertson. Republished by Penguin, 1992; ISBN 0-14-014925-2.
  • George G. Lewis and John Mewha, History of prisoner of war utilization by the United States Army, 1776–1945; Dept. of the Army, 1955.
  • Vetter, Hal, Mutine at Koje Island; Charles Tuttle Company, Vermont, 1965.
  • Jin, Ha, War Trash: A novel; Pantheon, 2004. ISBN 978-0-375-42276-8.
  • Sean Longden, Hitler's British Slaves. First Published Arris Books, 2006. Second Edition, Constable Robinson, 2007.
  • Desflandres, Jean, Rennbahn: Trente-deux mois de captivité en Allemagne 1914–1917 Souvenirs d'un soldat belge, étudiant à l'université libre de Bruxelles 3rd edition (Paris, 1920)
  • Devaux, Roger. Treize Qu'ils Etaient: Life of the French prisoners of war at the peasants of low Bavaria (1939–1945) – Mémoires et Cultures—2007—ISBN 2-916062-51-3
  • Doylem Robert C. The Enemy in Our Hands: America's Treatment of Prisoners of War From the Revolution to the War on Terror (University Press of Kentucky, 2010); 468 pages; Sources include American soldiers' own narratives of their experiences guarding POWs plus Webcast Author Interview at the Pritzker Military Library on 26 June 2010
  • Gascare, Pierre. Histoire de la captivité des Français en Allemagne (1939–1945), Éditions Gallimard, France, 1967 – ISBN 2-07-022686-7.
  • McGowran, Tom, Beyond the Bamboo Screen: Scottish Prisoners of War under the Japanese. 1999. Cualann Press Ltd
  • Arnold Krammer, ''Nazi Prisoners of War in America 1979 Stein & Day; 1991, 1996 Scarborough House. ISBN 0-8128-8561-9.
  • Bob Moore,& Kent Fedorowich eds., Prisoners of War and Their Captors in World War II, Berg Press, Oxford, UK, 1997.
  • Bob Moore, and Kent Fedorowich. The British Empire and Its Italian Prisoners of War, 1940–1947 (2002) excerpt and text search
  • David Rolf, Prisoners of the Reich, Germany's Captives, 1939–1945, 1998; on British POWs
  • Scheipers, Sibylle Prisoners and Detainees in War , European History Online, Mainz: Institute of European History, 2011, retrieved: 16 November 2011.
  • Paul J. Springer. America's Captives: Treatment of POWs From the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror (University Press of Kansas; 2010); 278 pages; Argues that the US military has failed to incorporate lessons on POW policy from each successive conflict.
  • Vance, Jonathan F. (mart 2006). The Encyclopedia of Prisoners of War & Internment (PDF) (Hardcover) (Second izd.). Millerton, NY: Grey House Pub, 2006. str. 800. ISBN 1-59237-120-5.  |ISBN 978-1-59237-120-4 EBook ISBN 978-1-59237-170-9
  • Richard D. Wiggers, "The United States and the Denial of Prisoner of War (POW) Status at the End of the Second World War", Militargeschichtliche Mitteilungen 52 (1993) pp. 91–94.
  • Winton, Andrew, Open Road to Faraway: Escapes from Nazi POW Camps 1941–1945. 2001. Cualann Press Ltd.
  • Harris, Justin Michael. "American Soldiers and POW Killing in the European Theater of World War II"
  • United States. Government Accountability Office. DOD's POW/MIA Mission: Capability and Capacity to Account for Missing Persons Undermined by Leadership Weaknesses and Fragmented Organizational Structure: Testimony before the Subcommittee on Military Personnel, Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of Representatives. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2013.
  • On 12 February 2013, three American POWs gathered at the Pritzker Military Library for a webcast conversation regarding their individual experiences as POWs and the memoirs they each published:

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